UGL - Developing exceptional team results - now in Brazil!

If you work in a global organisation with Scandinavian roots, you might have come across the concept of UGL. UGL is the most renowned leadership training program in Scandinavia, founded in 1981 by the Swedish Armed Forces. Now it is offered in Brazil for the first time and you have an opportunity to be among the first to experience it.
UGL is a transformative experience. It is built around a number of frameworks for communication, leadership and group development. The entire training is experience based – participants learn from tasks, feedback, personal reflections and shared insights. A limited number of participants and the weeklong format creates a foundation for a powerful learning and insights gained.
We are one of the most experienced company in arranging UGL in English. The training provides an opportunity for international organisations to offer their employees tools for creating conditions for exceptional team performances by enhancing your personal leadership and intrapersonal communication skills.
"It was a mark in my life. I'm using a lot of the tools in my personal life. Now I care about the others and I'm definitely a better listener. Now I do plans and go for it."
Victor (Brazil) Participant, UGL in English
Content and objectives
The overall aim of the course is to make participants more effective as leaders and/or as members of a working group. Through experienced based learning and reflections a greater understanding is reached for how group development is affected by leadership and behaviours, needs or emotions of group members. It also illustrates how relationships and commitment is connected to a balance of focus on process and content when working in a group.
There are many angles such as communication, values, group dynamics and learning within the relationship aspect. UGL deals with how a group develops and matures, what happens in the group during the course of development and what promotes or hinders positive development. This is what is known as group dynamics. The course also deals with the opportunities and problems of leadership in relation to development of the group’s maturity. What is it that facilitates or impedes implementation of the task in hand and the development of the group from a leadership perspective? This takes place in UGL by allowing participants themselves to experience situations that reflect group dynamics and to understand their own roles in this group environment. The aim of the course is to enhance participants’ abilities to:
- work with reflection and learning both individually and as part of a group
- deal with and understand conflicts
- be able to communicate directly and clearly
- understand the effects of feelings on individuals and at group level
- be able to give and take effective feedback
- understand how values affect relationships and leadership
- be able to discern different stages in the development of a group and understand your own attitude related to that
- understand that different leadership styles are needed.
The UGL course, Understanding Group and Leader, has been the fundamental leadership course for the Swedish Armed Forces since 1981. Since around 1990, it has become a much appreciated and popular course outside the Swedish Armed Forces as well. The UGL concept is today administrated and continuously developed by the Swedish National Defense College. The UGL program has been revised five times since it´s introduction in 1981.
An off-site that transforms
The course format is an intense five day residential course (Monday-Friday). UGL is a demanding course and we assume that all participants are in psychological balance and willing to put in the effforts that the course requires.
The number of participants is limited to 12, with two facilitators.
The course is held at the wonderful place Pousada Ronco do Bugio located at Sao Paolo, Brazil, with beautiful nature, nice rooms and a wonderful restaurant witj very service minded staff.
For more information about Pousada do Bugio:
Schedule, language, pricing & registration
2-6th of June, Sao Paulo, Brazil
The course is held in English.
Pricing and registration
The cost is SEK R$ 21 000. Tax (VAT) not included. The cost includes course fee, course material and full board at Pousada Ronco do Bugio. Travels are not included.
Send application to
For more information please send an e-mail to: or phone +46 (0) 70 422 48 00.